Sunday 25 May 2014

Crucifixion Story

As I hear the rain pouring down to the ground I could feel my heart beating like the playing of a drum. I couldn't tell if this was a dream or not, but all I hear is the tear drops falling down like drops of rains.                                                                                                                                                             
As the dark purple curtains started to open wide, the lights shone bright down on our faces as we started to walk on stage without making a single noise. As the first word started to come out of the giant loudspeakers we were finally in action with the music. Moving to the rhythm of the beat, we swayed our hands up and down, side to side , gracefully like a ballerina and slow like a turtle. All I can feel was a cold chill running down my spine, making me shiver. All I could hear was the melody of the music and all I could do was follow my hands one by one.

Then the song came to an end and we were kneeling on our knees creating a staircase to Jesus at the end of his journey. I wanted to move so eagerly but had to stay still as a statue. It was an emotional time that people let out their tears because they could feel the pain of what happened to Jesus.

We all stood up quietly with the music and started to walk to the cross step by step which ended the scene peacefully.

Monday 19 May 2014

Cross Country

I couldn't imagine what would happened as I huff and puff on my last lap doing it with pride and dignity. I could feel the cold breeze passing my body making me get goosebumps everywhere. I could hear the children and adults cheering us on as we push ourselves to our limit. I could see the sun come in to daylight as if we were being boiled . 

As I climb up the hill as if I was driving up the highway my legs were sore as if they were about to break like skinny twigs. As i hear Kafoloto supporting me and pushing me to my limit up that hill I wouldn't be able to finish the course without her. 

I finally got up to the top of the hill the fist thing I could see was the different colors of the Whanau Houses Red for St Helena, Orange for St Mother Theresa, Yellow/Gold for St Mary McKillop, Green for St Dominic, Blue for St Peter Chanel and Brown for St Francis. 

"HERE COMES TERISA FROM ST DOMINIC'S LEADING IN 4TH PLACE FOLLOWED BY KAFOLOTO LEADING IN 5TH PLACE AND FOLLOWING BEHIND COMES KASANITA FROM MARY MCKILLOP LEADING IN 6TH PLACE!", as Miss Mules shouted out in the microphone which made everyone cheer us on as we all finsh the race with pride.